Declining Sperm Count And Vitality And Animal Saturated Fat And Vegetable Nutrients

The quality of men’s sperm has been dropping around the world during the last fifty years. Not only has sperm concentration decreased but there has also been a decrease in the percentage of normal looking sperm.
This is something to be concerned about because semen quality is related to life expectancy. Studies have found an association between the decrease in mortality (death) and increased sperm quality.
The female body does make it difficult for lower quality sperm to fertilize an egg, but having overall lower quality of sperm does increase the chances of lower quality sperm being able to fertilize an egg. When this does occur this may have serious implications for the child’s future health.
Studies show there is an association between diet and lower sperm quality. Higher consumption of saturated fat (from animals) has been associated with lower sperm quality, especially after the 1990’s. Higher levels of antioxidant consumption protected the genetic integrity of sperm.
We should eat lots of antioxidants to protect the vitality of our sperm, which will help to protect the health of our children. We naturally get these protective antioxidants from plant-based foods, which supports eating as close to a plant-based diet as possible to support your healthy living.
Tags: semen, sperm, sperm vitality