CVS Will Stop Selling Cigarettes And Tobacco By October 1, 2014

It appears CVS Pharmacy has had an epiphany and realized that is should not sell that which destroys health.
Starting October 1 of this year CVS Caremark is going to stop selling cigarettes and tobacco at all CVS/pharmacy Locations.
This is actually inspiring because the CVS will be giving up making a profit to help protect the public’s health. But is this truly altruism?
CVS/pharmacy will the first national pharmacy chain to take this step in support of the health and well-being of its patients and customers.
Larry J. Merlo, President and CEO, CVS Caremark shared these thoughts in a press release:
“Ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at CVS/pharmacy is the right thing for us to do for our customers and our company to help people on their path to better health…”
“Put simply, the sale of tobacco products is inconsistent with our purpose.”
It does appear that CVS is motivated by more than just altruism. It appears the pharmacy model is changing and CVS wants to be the first on board.
The Ending Sales of Tobacco Products in Pharmacies” article by the The Journal Of American Medical Association speaks to the changes in the pharmacy industry:
“The paradox of cigarette sales in pharmacies has become even more relevant recently, in large part because of changes in the pharmacy industry. Responding to the overall shortage of primary care practitioners in the United States and to recent legislation that expands access to health care coverage, most pharmacy chains are retooling themselves as an integral part of the health care system. They are offering more counseling by pharmacists, an array of wellness products, and outreach to clinicians and health care centers.”
“Perhaps more important, pharmacies are moving into the treatment arena with the advent of retail health clinics.”
“These retail clinics, originally designed to address common acute infections, are gearing up to work with primary care clinicians to assist in treating hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes—all conditions exacerbated by smoking.”
“CVS Caremark believes that now is the time for retailers, perhaps spurred by policy makers, to eliminate sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products by institutions that also have pharmacies.”
Money Talks! Move out the way cigarettes and tobacco! Your industry has brought about enough disease and death. It is time to let the long term policies of the medical industry take over making money of its commodity.
Hopefully one step in the right direction will continue to move in that direction. Buyer Beware!