The Connection to God/The Source/Nature Is Being Attacked Through The Consumption Of Meat-Centered Diets

People are caught in a paradigm, a stream of thought and mechanisms, developed by the meat industry that uses strategically designed marketing and advertising campaigns to trigger conditioned responses in people to consume its products.
This paradigm is carefully built into everyday societal processes and conditions people to unwittingly support the over-consumption of meat products, and to support an industry that is undermining the stability of the life sustaining patterns and processes in the ecosystem.
There is a natural life sustaining pattern of order or intelligence that permeates everything living and non-living thing and that order is referred to as God, The Source, or nature, depending on your point of view.
I have termed this order God/The Source/Nature™ in an attempt to encompass all of the views that recognize this order in one way or another. Humans have been elevated over the rest of life because humans have been given the unparalleled ability to learn about and understand this order and even manipulate it in extremes while the rest of life is generally limited to instinctual behavior.
Many people take for granted the general symmetry, mathematical structure, and synergy of life around them, and even the symmetry, mathematical structure, and synergy in their own bodies. The patterns of energy within people are a reflection of the patterns in the earth’s ecosystem and also in the universe.
This intelligent order created the earth’s ecosystem and a natural cycle of life, death, and rebirth that supports the continuous life of the earth. Big business has learned through scientific observation how many of the patterns or components work and has learned to manipulate these components to make many great technological advancements.
The problem is greed and gluttony fuels big business’s desire to profit from the manipulation of these patterns and components, and builds industries that corrupt the life sustaining patterns in the earth’s ecosystem.
People have been strategically conditioned to eat meat-centered diets, which has supported the enormous growth of the meat industry that is pushed to its limit to find ways to produce enough animals to satisfy the need of meat-centered diets. The United States alone grows 9-10 billion animals a year to satisfy American’s cravings for meat.
The methods used by the meat industry to supply this demand for meat leads directly to destruction of God/The Source/Nature’s life supporting patterns in the earth’s ecosystem, the proliferation of disease of animals grown on factory-farms, and the proliferation of disease in humans which undermine physical, mental, and emotional stability.
In order to protect physical, mental, and emotional stability, consumers need to make decisions that will protect the God/The Source/Nature life sustaining patterns of the ecosystem.
Meat Industry’s Destructive Impact On The God/The Source/Nature’s Life Sustaining Patterns In The Environment
The meat industry has had to develop processes to support growing demand of meat needed to support meat-centered diets, whihc severely undermine and disrupt the interdependent relationship of the ecosystem and undermine its ability to support life established by God/The Source/Nature.
- The United States alone produces nearly 9-10 billion animals a year to be consumed by people.
- This alarming and unnatural number of animals produce unnatural amounts of methane gas (CH4) that unbalance the amount of green house gases that are in the atmosphere, helping to lead to destructive climate change. Green house gases trap radiation and heat in the atmosphere and lead to the gradual rise of the temperature of the earth.
- Globally, the methane produced from the fecal waste and manure of livestock is the primary source of methane emissions. Though carbon dioxide (C02) is the primary green house gas in the atmosphere, methane has more than 25 times a greater impact on climate change than C02 does.[1]
- The rise is temperature gradually melts the polar caps and cause the earth’s oceans to rise, and will lead to the flooding of coastal land. Inland climate change is leading to patterns of drought that is being predicted to be the worst the West and Midwest United States has faced in 1000 years.
- The United States alone produces nearly 9-10 billion animals a year to be consumed by people.
- 70% of the US grain production[2] goes to feeding the 9-10 billion animals that are produced yearly. There are only around 320 million people to feed in the U.S. and fraction of the crops grown would feed the population if Americans ate a plant-based diet or a diet close to it. This would help to protect the natural patterns established in the ecosystem in several ways.
- Around 80% of the United States fresh water goes towards supporting agriculture, which includes watering crops that go mostly towards feeding livestock and providing livestock water to drink. This enormous use of water is depleting fresh water sources in the West and Midwest U.S.
- 5 million acres of forest in South and Central America are cut down every year to provide land for cattle to graze and to grow crops to feed the cattle.
- Cutting down forests reduces the ecosystem’s ability to remove carbon dioxide from the air which helps to increase the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to climate change and limiting the ecosystem’s ability to support life on earth.
- Runoff of nitrogen based fertilizer is destroying the coastal ocean.
- Enormous amounts of land is being used to grow crops that go mostly to feed livestock. The constant cycle of growing crops removes nutrients from the soil which need to replenished with the use of large and unnatural amounts of nitrogen. A lot of the fertilizer transported off the cropland by irrigation or rain into streams and rivers and eventually ends up in the coastal ocean. The fertilizer feeds the algae in the water and starts a destructive cycle whose end result is the depletion of oxygen in the water and the development of “dead zones” that suffocate fish and other organisms.[3]
- Fossil fuel is being depleted at an alarming rate to support livestock production.
- Burning of fossil fuel adds unnatural amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere leading to destructive climate change.
- Japan’s National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science estimated that 2.2 pounds of beef is responsible for using the equivalent amount of energy used to light a one-hundred-watt light bulb for twenty days, and is responsible for emitting the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide the average European car emits every 155 miles.[4]
- The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition estimates the average fossil energy input for all the animal-protein production systems studied (beef, chicken, and lamb) is 25 kcal of fossil energy per 1 kcal of meat produced. The energy used is around eleven times that for crop production. 2.2 kcal of fossil energy is used to produce 1 kcal of grain.[5] The energy inputs required to feed the average vegetarian is 33 percent less than a person who is a carnivore. The energy inputs required to sustain a vegan is 50 percent less than a carnivore.
The level of production of meat that is needed to support the need of people consuming meat-centered diet leads directly to the increase in green house gases in the atmosphere and climate change, the depletion of fresh water, deforestation, erosion of land, destruction of life in the coastal ocean, and the depletion of fossil fuel.
This level of meat production results in the undermining and destruction of the patterns established by God/The Source/Nature that support life on earth. Supporting this destruction does not bring one in tune with God/The Source/Nature but puts one against God/The Source/Nature.
Meat Industry’s Destructive Impact On The Health Of Humans And Animals
To satisfy the need of people who consume meat-centered diet the meat industry needed to develop factory-farm processes that could handle the insatiable demand for meat. Unfortunately the processes grow animals in conditions that are so unnatural and unhealthy that antibiotics must be administered to the animals to keep them alive.
Factory-farmed animals live in horrendous conditions from when they are born up until they are slaughtered under horrific conditions for their meat. Factory-farmed animals are also given growth hormones so they will growth faster and bigger, and produce more meat and fat. These very sickly animals are often crushed under their own weight and are not able to move. The disease antibiotics are given to animals to kill also become resistant to the antibiotics.
People consume this tainted meat which undermines their the natural growth patterns and healing abilities. The growth hormones feed the growth of cancer, undermines normal physical, mental, and emotional development, and the antibiotic resistant bugs cause havoc in the body and overwhelm the body’s immune system.
The meat industry also produces processed meat because people desire to eat it. Carcinogenic chemicals are used to enhance the color of meat, extend its shelf-life, and enhance its taste.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified processed meat as being “carcinogenic to humans,” putting it in the same classification as cigarettes, alcohol, and arsenic. The WHO also classified red meat as being “probably carcinogenic to humans.” This is a direct result of the factory-farming of animals and the chemical processing of meat.
The end result of eating a meat-centered diet is people promote the proliferation of disease in the body, the overuse of the earth’s resources, and the destruction of the life supporting patterns established by God/The Source/Nature within the ecosystem that protects not only the health of humans but the health of all life on earth.
Read the book The God-Awakening Diet by Aqiyl Aniys for a more in-depth explanation of how people are supporting the destruction of their health and the ecosystem.
[1] Overview of Greenhouse Gases
[2] Food Choices and the Planet
[3] T. Colin Campbell Foundation and TILS, “TCC503: Environment II: The Environmental Impact of Food Production Part II,” Certificate Program in Plant-Based Nutrition (2012):6–20.
[4] Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler
[5] David Pimentel and Marcia Pimentel, “Sustainability of meat-based and plant based diets and the environment 1,2,3,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78 (2003): 660S–3S