Combating Disabling Diseases With Food – A Presentation By Dr. Greger

Just sit back, relax, and be amazed by the medical wizardry of Dr. Greger. He gave a very compelling presentation which outlined the benefits of a plant-based diet in combating many diseases. Dr. Greger covered the leading caused of disability and how to combat it, because the aim of life should be to live a long healthy life and not a long miserable life.
He started of with the disease that is number one cause of death in the U.S., which just so happens to be the number one cause of disability. Dr. Greger pointed to Dr. Dean Ornish’s plant-based lifestyle program that proved that the experimental group of cardiac patients had a 91% reduction in angina. Angina is the crushes heart pain the people with advanced heart disease can get.
In contrast the control group who were told to listen to the advice of their doctors had an 186% increase in angina. Take a look a the video for much more.