Cheese Is Saturated With Additive Aluminum Which Can Be Destructive To Your Brain

There is a big concern about the link between exposure to high levels of aluminum either through diet or the environment and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin and the study “Elevated brain aluminum, early onset Alzheimer’s disease in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminum,” implicates elevated levels of aluminum as a cause Alzheimer’s disease.[1]
We should do our best to minimize our intake of aluminum through our diets and through our interactions with the environment. We become exposed to aluminum from cooking acidic foods like tomato sauce in aluminum pots which leeches aluminum from the pots. We are not exposed to high levels of aluminum from one cooking but continuous consumption of acidic foods cooked in aluminum pots can build aluminum levels in the body overtime.
There is a big jump though in aluminum exposure from smoking cigarettes, which is 10 times that of foods cooked in aluminum pots. There is an even bigger jump in aluminum exposure from aluminum containing antiperspirants, which can contain up 20 times the aluminum found in foods cooked in aluminum pots. Now research has discovered a food item whose aluminum content is even much higher than these sources.
Yes, cheese is the number one offender. Cheese can have 50 times the level of aluminum compared to acidic foods cooked in aluminum pots. Though cheese has the highest aluminum level overall, it isn’t the highest natural source of aluminum. Shellfish is the highest natural source of aluminum. Cheese has the highest overall level of aluminum because aluminum is added to it.
The dairy industry adds aluminum to cheese to give it a softer texture and desirable slicing properties, which happens at the expense of our health. Buyer beware! Though we face an uphill battle in the fight to be healthy, let us do the best we can to give ourselves and our vulnerable children the opportunity to be the best we can be by removing as much garbage as we can from our diets. Buyer beware!
1. Elevated Brain Aluminum
Tags: aluminum dangers, aluminum in cheese