Brain Rust – Oxidative Stress And Brain Damage

Brain rust is a concept that neurodegenerative diseases stem from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when there isn’t enough antioxidants present to neutralize free radicals.
Free radicals[1] are molecules that have an unpaired electron and they are highly unstable. They come in contact with other molecules and can steal an electron from them to pair its unpaired electron.
These highly reactive molecules can damage the DNA of cells they come in contact with. Australian scientists, led by the University of Melbourne Professor of Pathology Ashley Bush have identified the excessive buildup of iron in the brain in leading to the development of brain rust.
Their research[2] uncovered that the excessive buildup or iron in the “grey matter” in the brain leads to oxidative stress through the excessive formation of free radicals.
This buildup of free radicals is believed to be a primary reason for the destruction of brain cells and the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Protect Against Brain Rust
Though there appears to be various mechanisms at play in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, removing oxidative stress from the equation would go a long way in protecting the brain.
Nature has provided a wonderful gift in the protection against oxidative stress. The protection is provided in the form of natural plant foods. Plant foods, like the ones found on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, contain thousands of natural antioxidant chemical compounds that protect cells against oxidative stress.
These compounds are able to get past the brain’s blood-brain barrier, enter the brain, and neutralize free radicals. This process is a continual process and you must flood the body daily with these foods and compounds to continuously provide this protection.
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[2] Iron neurochemistry in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: targets for therapeutics.