Boy Likely Poisoned By Fluoride Fumigation Left Severely Ill

The family of young Peyton McCaughey had what they thought would be a routine fumigation to get rid of a terminate infestation. The family returned home after having their home fumigated by a Terminix sub-contractor on August 16, who told the family it was safe for them to return.
They family started feeling ill after the fumigation and Peyton McCaughey’s symptoms worsened so the family had to take him to a hospital. Peyton’s uncle, Ed Gribben said:
“He was having some uncontrollable muscle movements, couldn’t stand up, couldn’t speak, so they took him to a local walk-in and the doctor quickly recognized it was probably poisoning from a treatment”
McCaughey has spent weeks in ICU with brain damage, but should be out of ICU soon to continue with his recovery.
A Terminix spokesperson said sulfuryl fluoride is used normally for fumigation. Though pesticide fumigation poisoning is supposed to be rare, sulfuryl fluoride exposure can lead to symptoms including headache, vomiting, seizures, and other neurological symptoms.
The family has hired a Florida firm to determine if they have a case against the company that performed the fumigation.
Tags: fumigation poisoning