Boxing Series – Still 46 – Still Plant Based – Still Kicking It

I am still on my plant based grind! Grinding hard! Staying strong! Staying energized!
They is just a little bit of some of my recent boxing workout.
This is on of my earlier warm up rounds. I am sorry I wasn’t able to record the later of 10 rounds of heavy bag work because I ran out of space on the memory card of my camera.
God willing I will be able to get some more video of my boxing workouts.
I just want to say that eating a well rounded whole food plant based diet is responsible for reviving me. I have lost around 25lbs dropping from 180lbs to 155lbs, which is what I weighed when I was in my twenties.
My biggest accomplishment is that I haven’t been sick in two years since I adopted a plant based diet, not even a cold. I love not being sick.
This way of eating has not only sharpened by body it has also sharpened my mind and spirit. The body is the temple and a weak temple weakens the mind and spirit.
Peace and blessings be with you.