Benefits Of Napping – Give Your Mind And Body A Needed Break
Benefits Of Napping – Recharge Your Battery

The benefits of napping should be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Napping is often thought of something beneficial for the really young and the elderly and we need to change this way of thinking.
The benefits of napping happen in different stages depending on the amount of time spent napping. You can find out more about the stages of napping in the video below.
Napping works! I am a serious stage two napper and nap for 15-20 minutes during the weekdays. Napping between between 10-30 minutes is considered light sleep. The benefits of napping in this stage include increased productivity, increased cognitive function, enhanced memory, boosted creativity, and feeling more energized.
I know it definitely works for me.
Benefits Of Napping – The Amount Of Sleep I Need
I find it difficult to find the time to get more than 6 hours of sleep during the week because I am just insanely busy.
Because of my intense weekday schedule and minimal hours of sleep, I know I am doing my recuperative powers of sleep a disservice. The power of my plant based diet does keep me totally energized through out the day, but I know I am doing my body and mind a disservice by not giving it some more sleep time.
I do feel the amount of time I need to sleep is dependent on how busy I am, and when I am real busy I can use more than 6 hours of sleep.
When I am not busy for a sustained period of time, six hours is fine. I can tell when my brain has had sufficient time to process my stored memories and to send out processes to heal my body properly.
Check out the video which explains the benefits of napping.
Benefits of Naps at Work, Benefits of Naps in School, Benefits of Taking a Nap, Benefits of Afternoon Nap, Health Benefits of Naps
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