Beef Lowers Cholesterol? Beware Of Deceit In Scientific Studies
Beef Lowers Cholesterol?

Beef lowers cholesterol? LOL, I don’t think so. I have to thank Dr. Greger because he keeps it real while still maintaining his sense of humor.
The beef industry paid for a study to show that beef lowers cholesterol. I find this to be incredible! First of all I know under normal circumstances that beef lowers cholesterol is not true. I say under normal circumstances because the beef industry came up with a dastardly scientific study to support the idea that beef lowers cholesterol.
Then the media was used to spread this idea so people would eat beef, even if doing so was bad for them. This is why I called the beef lowers cholesterol study a dastardly story.
Now if you took the beef lowers cholesterol study at face value and didn’t look into the study further you would get the impression that eating beef, excuse me, lean beef was good for your cholesterol. Let us look further though.
The beef industry paid for a study that added beef to people’s diets and at the same time removed large amounts of poultry, pork, fish, and cheese from their diets. They removed so much of the latter that they halved their saturated fat intake from twelve percent to six percent of their diet.
At the same time the people ate more fiber and vegetable protein. Wow, of course their cholesterol levels would drop! Unfortunate thing is the subjects in the study went from a high risk of developing heart disease, to a high risk of developing heart disease.
Yes, the subjects’ low density liproproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol did drop from 133 to 125. The thing is you need to get the LDL down between seventy and fifty to essentially became “heart attack proof,” as Dr. Greger put it. Take a look:
Don’t believe the hype that beef lowers cholesterol. Reduce your animal protein intake greatly or adopt a plant based diet to support your healthy living.
Tags: beef lowers cholesterol