Aqiyl Aniys | Posted January 27th, 2015 | Modified - January 27th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Curcumin is such a powerful natural anti-inflammatory substance that it is a threat to pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs. It doesn’t present with side…
Add Curcumin To Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
PETA wants India and the U.S. to become vegan to save the world from climate change. PETA supporters painted themselves in the colors of the Indian and US…
PETA Wants India And The U.S. to Become Vegan To Save The World From Climate Change
An Australian father could not stand by and let his 2 year old daughter, who was in the hospital, suffer from an aggressive and rare cancer called…
Would You Risk Jail Time By Giving Your 2 Year Old Daughter Cannabis Oil To Save her Life?
Chuck Norris Kicks Monsanto For Endangering Food Supply
Chuck Norris Kicks Monsanto For Endangering Food Supply
Bernando LaPallo turned 113 years old in 2014, and his eat to live approach has made him age less and live more. Eating a mostly plant-based diet that…
113 Year Old Bernando LaPallo Age Less – Live More – Eat To Live Approach
Significant improvement in refractive values and eyestrain symptoms in test subjects of the control group who ate black currants…