113 Year Old Bernando LaPallo Age Less – Live More – Eat To Live Approach

Bernando LaPallo of Mesa AZ turned 113 years old in 2014, and his eat to live approach has made him age less and live more. Bernando LaPallo said:
It is all about obedience and moderation. Obedience is the key, and moderation is the back up. agelesslivemorestore.com
The Bernando Lapallo diet is pretty simple with a few things that anchor it. He eats mostly organic fruits and vegetables and this is his key. His moderation is directed towards minimizing the consumption of foods that are not fruits and vegetables. Bernando LaPallo said:
“My favorite food is fruit and vegetables. On the side I love salmon. I eat salmon about twice a week with a salad.” Natural News
Bernando Lapallo expressed a love for his father and the lessons he instilled in him. Bernando LaPallo recalled this lesson:
“He told me not to eat ordinary red meat…He said lamb is okay but red meat, stay away from it. Hot dogs, french fries and all those things don’t eat it.” ABC news
Bernando Lapallo makes vegetable juices twice a week and he uses a combination of beets, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, kale, and spinach in his vegetable juices. He squeezes his own orange juice because the nutrient content is better than store bought orange juice. He makes fruit smoothies daily and his favorite fruit smoothie combination consists of:
Blending one ripe banana, one teaspoon of self made garlic paste blended with olive oil, a generous amount of blueberries, and 2 tablespoons of Dr. Schulze’s Superfood green powder. He will also add strawberries and cantaloupe. Bernando LaPallo adds cantaloupe because his father told him to take care of his eyes, and cantaloupe was good for the eyes. Natural News
Bernando LaPallo has five staple foods that are that anchor to his diet and include: garlic, honey, cinnamon, chocolate and olive oil. Along with his mostly plant-based diet and anchor foods, he realizes that exercise is very important and walks one and a half miles a day.
The moral of Bernando LaPallo’s story is to eat a mostly plant-based diet that includes plenty of organic fruits and vegetables. His diet is anchored by garlic, honey, cinnamon, chocolate, and olive oil. He minimizes meat consumption and minimally eats fish just twice a week. He ties this all together with low impact exercise in the form of walking. These simple things have helped him to stay robust at 113 years old.