Aqiyl Aniys | Posted September 6th, 2015 | Modified - September 6th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
The family of young Peyton McCaughey had what they thought would be a routine fumigation to get rid of a terminate infestation. The family returned home…
Boy Likely Poisoned By Fluoride Fumigation Left Severely Ill
A study by Qadeer Arshad, PhD and his colleagues published in the September, 2015 edition of the Neurology journal appears to have found the cause of motion…
Electric Zaps To Cure Motion Sickness – Qadeer Arshad, PhD
September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Tri-Cities, Washington. Tri-Cities is a mid-sized metropolitan area in the southeastern Washington…
Cable Bridge Lights Up Teal To Support September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Dr. Raj Rajasekaran, a researcher at the University of Delaware, says nanotechnology is being used under controlled conditions to deliver some types of…
Nanotechnology On Its Way To Treat Children’s Cancer
Music composer Aadesh Shrivastava passed away on September 5, 2015 around 12:30am. Shrivastava had successfully fought multiple myelomas since he was first…
Music Composer Aadesh Shrivastava Dies Of Myeloma Cancer
A study published on August 19, 2015 in Science Translational Medicine sites the structural differences excess fat causes in breast tissue increases the risk…