Aqiyl Aniys | Posted October 12th, 2015 | Modified - October 12th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Free radials appear to be an important trigger for insulin resistance and diabetes 2, and the strong concentration of antioxidants in a whole food plant based…
Why Does A Plant Based Diet Protect Against Diabetes?
It is time to rethink Alzheimer’s disease. It may be that once cognitive function is lost because of Alzheimer’s disease it may be gone forever, so focus…
Plant Based Diet Removes Cholesterol Combating Alzheimer’s Disease
You can reduce colon cancer risk by eliminating or reducing the consumption of animal protein and fat. Animal protein can rotten an putrefy in the colon which…
How to Reduce Colon Cancer Producing Carcinogenic Bile Acid
Consuming vegetables is a great way to protect health, and the more vegetables you eat the more protection you will get. Drinking whole food vegetable smoothies…
Blending Vegetables Into Smoothies Makes Nutrients More Bioavailable
Studies show that music does affect the way we well and can either contribute to our calmness or our anxiety. Different types of music appears to effect…
Music’s Effect On Calmness And Anxiety
In 1901 a 51-year-old woman was taken to an insane asylum in Frankfurt Germany where she was treated by Dr. Alzheimer and was the patient that the term…