Aqiyl Aniys | Posted November 21st, 2015 | Modified - November 21st, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
The detective abilities go way beyond the fictional abilities of dog cartoon characters like Mumbly, Scobby Do, and Snuffles. The cancer detection abilities of dogs is real, highly accurate, and useful.
Dogs’ Enhanced Smelling Ability Plays An Important Role In Detecting Cancer
Stop eating inflammatory foods to get rid of your depression. The consumption of inflammatory foods is a major reason for the development of depression…
Stop Eating Inflammatory Foods to Get Rid Of Depression
Fainting is caused by the diminished blood flow to the brain. Around 1 in 5 people have suffered from fainting, and around 9% of those people suffer from…
Prevent Fainting With Some Simple Remedies
Hurry, hurry, hurry, and get your “freshly” approved GMO Frankenstein salmon! The FDA has approved of the sale of the “AquAdvantage Salmon,” which is a gene…
Now You Can Get Your FDA Approved GMO Frankenstein Salmon
Most cases of cancer are caused by external factors such as diet and not genetics. Only 2% of cancer can be attributed to to genetics, so that fact should…
Stop Feeding Your Kids Lunch Meat And Cancer
Nature has nicely packaged the nutrients we need to maintain homeostasis in plants. The nutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, carbo…