Aqiyl Aniys | Posted October 11th, 2016 | Modified - October 11th, 2016

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
“How Not To Die From Cancer?” You guessed it. Eat a plant based diet. Dr. Greger pointed out in the video below that this study…
How Not To Die From Cancer
If you want to know how not to die from type-2 diabetes, the answer lies squarely with your diet. Society conditions…
How Not To Die From Type 2 Diabetes
If red wine is good for you why does the American Heart Association (AHA) say on its website it “does not recommend drinking wine or any other form of alcohol to gain these potential benefits.
Is Red Wine Good For You? The American Heart Association Says Don’t Drink It
BPA water bottles have a bad name and rightfully so. Are BPA-free water bottles any better or are they just an industry ploy…
Are BPA-Free Water Bottles Safe?
Dr. Greger On The Importance Of Nutrition and Nutrition Education…
Dr. Greger On Why What We Eat Is Important
Aqiyl Aniys, author of The God-Awakening Diet, has released his book Alkaline Herbal Medicine which gives insight…