Aqiyl Aniys | Posted October 14th, 2022 | Modified - October 14th, 2022

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Saving My Banana Plant From Coconut Roots My dundatsi banana plant struggled to produce suckers, also called babies, and I needed to understand and solve the problem. Banana plants reproduce by sending up baby plants from the mother plant. At the time I thought the problem might be that I planted the mother dundatsi banana […]
Banana Plant Strangled By Coconut Roots – Fix: Video
Rabbit Cage Door Latch Free And Simple I needed a rabbit cage door latch for my wire mesh rabbit cage, and I was able to design a simple and free one. I only needed some binding wire, which I already had. The simple hook latch works perfectly with my flexible smaller gauge 1/2 inch by […]
Rabbit Cage Door Latch Free And Simple
Wire Mesh Rabbit Cage I decided to build a wire mesh rabbit cage so I could raise some rabbits. Since rabbit urine and solid waste is an excellent natural pesticide and fertilizer, I decided to have my own supply. This would be a test for me. If successful, I would likely move my rabbits to […]
Wire Mesh Rabbit Cage Build
Rabbit Hutch I decided to build a rabbit hutch using pvc pipe to keep a few rabbits, but not to have as for pets or to eat. My soil at my house in Kenya is very sandy, so I have been on a mission to strengthen it. My house is very close to the beach, […]
Rabbit Hutch Build Using PVC Pipe
Youtube Simple Compost Tumbler I decided to make compost tumbler to make the mixing and checking my compost easier. My previous bins were stationary and composted my material well, but I wanted to make the mixing process easier. Previously, I used a shovel to dig down into the compost bin to mix the compost layers […]
Simple Compost Tumbler
Youtube Black Soil I now make my raised beds by using terra preta techniques. The name of the “black soil” of the Amazon Basin in South America is “terra preta.” Since my home in Kenya is along the beach of the Indian Ocean, my soil is very sandy and nutrient deficient. I had to research […]