Simple Compost Tumbler
Simple Compost Tumbler
I decided to make compost tumbler to make the mixing and checking my compost easier. My previous bins were stationary and composted my material well, but I wanted to make the mixing process easier.
Previously, I used a shovel to dig down into the compost bin to mix the compost layers I periodically added. I also needed to dig into the compost to check how the compost was decomposing. This could get messy if I had a lot of compost in the compost bin.
Making a tumbler would provide the solution, but I also wanted to keep the process simple. By doing research I found some very nice tumblers. They consisted of a compost bins suspended in the air on stands, and you could rotate the bins.

But I wanted to keep the design as simple as possible, yet fully functional. I only had to be able to turn the compost bin to mix the material.
Tumbler Design
In contrast to America, I am working with a lot of natural materials and sometimes minimal materials in the rural area of Kenya. So I keep that in mind and keep my builds as simple as possible. The only thing I needed was to be able to mix the compost easily.
I didn’t need a stand, and only needed a round container. I used a 100 liter water tank that had a screw-on lid. Then I could add my compost, screw the lid on, turn the compost tumbler on its side, and push the tumbler to mix my compost. Simple.
I also needed to get air into the compost bin. I drilled holes into the bottom, side, and top of the tumbler to allow air to get in and circulate.
Watch my video to see how I made my compost tumbler.
I strengthen my soil to support growing foods on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.
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