Aqiyl Aniys | Posted June 1st, 2017 | Modified - June 1st, 2017

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Rest in peace Dr. Sebi. Unfortunately there has been an attack on Dr. Sebi’s legacy after his death…
Dr. Sebi Scandal Video And Attack On His Legacy
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease, but it is helpful to think past only addressing only the skin and and address the whole body.
Helping Psoriasis With An Alkaline Plant Based Diet And Herbs
The TMA also forms into nitrosomines which have strong cancer causing properties. Studies have shown a direct association with egg consumption…
Egg Consumption Accelerates Cancer Growth
Hanna-Attisha and her colleagues uncovered highly elevated lead levels in children’s blood. The problem arose when Flint Michigan government decided to switch…
Pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha MD Blew Whistle On Flint Michigan’s Contaminated Water Supply
High salt intake has been linked to high asthma rates since the 1930’s, but many people don’t know about the link. Researchers in the 1930’s showed they…
High Salt Consumption Linked To High Asthma Rates
Clearing Proteus Mirabilis from the body reduced the rheumatoid arthritis antibody immune response and the attack on the lining of the joints.