Aqiyl Aniys | Posted May 3rd, 2012 | Modified - May 3rd, 2012

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Calculate your daily protein intake based the recommended daily allowance for both men and women of .8 grams of protein for every kilogram or .37 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. (Note: Research indicates that pregnant women should eat 20 grams more a day and weightlifters…
Protein Calculator – Calculate Your Protein Intake
Cleaning the small intestine is very important to get the most nutrients from the foods we eat absorbed into the body. The small intestine is the part of…
Small Intestine Cleanse Of SIBO And Mucus
Why colon cleanse? The colon or large intestine’s major job is to absorb water from indigestible food, compact it into waste material (feces) and pass it…
How to Clean your Colon? | Colon Cleanse and Remove Parasites
A kidney cleanse can greatly help the kidneys maintain a proper water/mineral balance in the body, regulate blood pressure, and filter waste…
Kidney Cleanse – Cleaning The Kidneys
I have been pretty health conscious, and I have gradually removed meat from my diet because it made me feel good to do so, and I like feeling good and feeling energized. I thought my journey had ended when I removed pork, beef, and poultry from my diet, and just ate fish and dairy here and there…
Why Detoxify The Body? Cleansing and Detoxifying the Body For Healthy Living
Find your plant/vegan protein sources here! Look no further! Many people have the misconception that only meat protein sources can supply use with the recommended…