Aqiyl Aniys | Posted September 14th, 2012 | Modified - September 14th, 2012

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Cycling or Biking is a great exercise to build and sustain your life energy, your mental and physical well-being. Our 48 mile bike ride was a great test…
Bicycling To Support Your Life Energy
It is very important to understand what the B12 benefits are and how the lack of vitamin B12 in the diet can effect one’s health.
Vitamin B12 Benefits
Candice, a Facebook friend, asked me an incredible question (paraphrase), "Do I think human beings could not eat or drink an live off the sun?" I replied "I think that is crazy talk. I would need evidence of any culture existing during anytime that was able to do that…
Indian Man Survives Without Food And Water For Ten Days With No Ill Effects
The health benefits of chia seeds must outweigh the urge to sing the “Ch-ch-ch-chia” jingle! Yes, chia pets are made from the seeds of the chia plant, but please do not let that stop you from gaining the health benefits of chia seeds in supporting your healthy living…
The Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Spirulina is fresh water blue-green algae, and compared to other sea vegetables spirulina is more easily digested and has greater bio-availability…
Spirulina – A Superfood With Benefits
Barefoot Running Shoes: Power Walking: Nike Free. I use barefoot running shoes for my power walking exercises, Nike free 3.0. They have helped my to…