Aqiyl Aniys | Posted September 10th, 2013 | Modified - September 10th, 2013

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
What is arthritis? The term arthritis literally means joint inflammation, and is inflammation of the joints of where two bones meet. The term is actually used to describe a variety of disorders, and there are over one hundred different types of arthritis.
Arthritis is an immediate concern of many…
What Is Arthritis? Causes Of Arthritis
Pooping every day is good for you. No, that is not a picture of an ice-cream maker, it is a pooper. It is for the poop that comes out of you when you go to the bathroom.
Be glad when you are pooping every day and is not stopped up for some reason. Pooping…
Pooping Every Day Is Your Friend And Is Good For Your Health
This recent March On Washington more than reminds us of the March on Washington that happened fifty years ago, it brings to light that the African American community, other minority groups, and women today face discrimination today as real as what was faced fifty years…
March On Washington: 50th Anniversary – Stopping Institutional Racism
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as a recurrent or persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection in order for satisfactory sexual performance.
Erectile dysfunction is present in 30 million men in the U.S. and approximately 100 million men worldwide…
Erectile Dysfunction And Death: Survival Of The Firmest?
Spartan Race, win your Spartan Race coupon code! Win a coupon code to participate in the Spartan Race for free! Participate in any open heat in any 2013-2014 Spartan Race in the continental US…
Spartan Race – Reebok – NBC – Win A Spartan Race Coupon Code To Race For Free!
Chemotherapy is destructive and seems to be a high price pay to treat breast cancer when seaweed protects against breast cancer and other natural plant based methods.
Dr. Gregor makes a good case for using seaweed to protect against breast cancer by examining cancer rates of Japanese women…