Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Aqiyl Aniys | Posted February 23rd, 2014 | Modified - February 23rd, 2014

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys

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This boxing heavy bag drill will give you more than you expect.

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I am still on my plant based grind! Grinding hard! Staying strong! Staying energized!

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Food Additives: No Checks And Balances For Their Safeness

Why would anyone be against vaccinations? Come on vaccinations were meant to protect against disease.

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