Judge Napolitano On Google Glass – Invasion Of Privacy That We Let Happen

Google has come out with a pair off glasses called “Google Glass” that lets it retrieve information about you that is on the web.
It lets anyone who is wearing the glasses do this: an admirer, a stalker, a pedophile, a murderer.
The person wearing the glasses is connected to Google’s vast database of collected personal information.
This is done by Google Glass tapping into your online profile information from social sharing sites to dating sites.
So how does wearing the glasses and looking at someone allow you to get access to the information they shared on the social sharing sites?
Facial recognition! I bet you didn’t think you would be aiding Google’s facial recognition program by tagging your Facebook pictures with your profile name.
We need to do as much as we can to protect our information. Make sure that you don’t set any sharing options to “public” on any sharing site.
Be careful and aware of any policy updates on your social sharing sites because sometimes the sharing options are changed without your permission and you need to change them back.
Realize though that any information you put on social sharing sites can be accessed, even without your permission. Limit what information you put out there.
Stop telling people where you are, where you are going, and where and when you are going on vacation. This allows thieves to target your home and your kids.
Stop putting pictures of your vulnerable children on your social sharing profiles. Don’t tag your children in their pictures either.
Unfortunately whatever you have already put out there is already in someone’s database, but not all people are as savvy in collecting information.
I say this to say go clean up your social sharing information and pictures. Remove pictures of your children and information you really don’t want shared, now that you understand people can get access to your information in ways you never thought were possible.
Yes your baby girl is adorable. Lets keep her and you safe.