Aqiyl Aniys | Posted April 5th, 2014 | Modified - April 5th, 2014

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
The benefits of napping should be enjoyed by people of all ages. Napping is often thought of something beneficial for the really young and the elderly…
Benefits Of Napping – Give Your Mind And Body A Needed Break
Yes I have heard of eat right for your type, but I just never believed it. The theory is that specific foods are better for you based on your blood type…
Eat Right For Your Type Is Not True And Is Debunked
Spartan Up! A take no-prisoners guide to overcoming obstacles and achieving peak performance in life. Joe De Sena’s book is all about this.
Spartan Up – Book Release By Joe De Sena
This is a directory and archive of websites linked to Natural Life Energy sharing information on common interests…
Directory Of Websites For Natural Life Energy Network
Dr. Greger previously covered Red Dye No. 3’s role in ADHD and now covers Red No. 3’s role in cancer. Unfortunately we have to stop trusting that the…
Food Dye Red Number 3 Plays A Role In Cancer As Well As ADHD
This case hits home for many who have elderly parents who suffer from Alzheimer’s and dementia. It would seems that the judge in this case was going be the letter of…