Aqiyl Aniys | Posted November 22nd, 2014 | Modified - November 22nd, 2014

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself! Treat your body as the temple it is. This vegan shopping list is put together to make the body, mind, and…
A Vegan Shopping List to Energize Your Body, Mind, And Soul
The term “vegan food” seems a bit mysterious to me and it shouldn’t be. In reality it should be the most easily understand term because as far as food is…
Stick With Whole Vegan Food To Support Healthy Living
Thinking about how to become a vegan can be one of the most important things you can do in your life. I know becoming a vegan was one of the most…
How To Become A Vegan – Don’t Worry You Will Get Enough Protein On A Whole Food Plant Based Diet
Chicken nuggets from two national food chains were examined to find out what they consisted of. The lead researcher was amazed to find out what the…
Chicken Nuggets Ingredients – More Than Just White Meat
Dr. Greger discussed the consumption glyphosate from Roundup herbicide on GMO soy and its effects human breast tissue. The study he cited showed that…
Effects Of GMO Soy On Breast Cancer
Hawaii’s Maui County government has been sued by Monsanto and Dow because the majority of its people have voted yes to an initiative to ban…