Artificial Sweeteners Are Unhealthy Sugar Alternatives
Artificial Sweeteners

Natural Life Energy
Artificial sweeteners are unnatural sugar alternatives made to cut the amount of sugar and calories we consume.
A major reason for using artificial sweeteners is to help reduce the risk of weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes.
Excessive sugar in the diet support these and other very serious health issues.
Artificial sweeteners were intended to be the solution to the health problems additive sugar caused, but they cause problems themselves and a trade off is not the solution.
The root of the sugar problem is the large amount sugar added to the comfort foods we eat, which also lack overall nutritional value.
Artificial Sweeteners In Place Of Natural Additive Sugar
Artificial sweeteners were made to replace table sugar and large amounts of sugar added to drinks and food like soda, candy, pastries, baked goods, processed fruit juices, and ice cream.
Natural forms of sugar, like sugar in fruit, is not the problem because it exists in combination with fiber and nutrients in fruit which properly regulates the digestion of the sugar.
Artificial sweeteners were made to replace the large amounts of sugar eaten in comfort foods that keep the blood-sugar level spiked and contribute to the development of diabetes.
Excessive additive sugar consumption supplies excessive calories that help cause obesity. Sugar is basically used for energy before fat, so excessive sugar consumption doesn’t allow the body to burn all the fat consumed and it gets stored in the body and contributes to weight gain and obesity.
Excessive additive sugar consumption also increases the risk of dying with heart disease.
“Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners”
Instead of seriously educating the public about the dangers of high sugar consumption the FDA just allowed the food industry to make artificial sweeteners, instead of using similar techniques applied to the tobacco industry to protect health that could regulate the sale and amount of sugar added to processed foods.
Artificial sweeteners are designed in a lab and are harmful to our health because they are perceived as unnatural food sources by the body. Artificial sweeteners disrupt natural processes in the body that keep the body in a state of homeostasis.
This simple means the body is designed to heal itself and remain at optimal functioning when supplied with natural plant based whole foods. This is the way our bodies were designed by God, and if you don’t believe in God then by nature.
There is a long list of harmful effects of artificial sweeteners of various types of artificial sweeteners.
Side Effects Of Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame: Linked side effects include migraine headaches, seizures, depression, visual changes, brain cancer, and weight gain. Source: Mercola Artificial Sweeteners
Saccharin: Linked side effects include bladder cancer, weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, skin problems or other allergy-related symptoms. Source: National Cancer Institute Artificial Sweeteners
Sucralose: Linked side effects include gastrointestinal problems, seizures, dizziness and migraines, blurred vision, allergic reactions, blood sugar increases, and weight gain. Source: Merocla, Huffington Post Artificial Sweeteners
Acesulfame potassium: Contains methylene chloride, a known carcinogen.
Neotame: Is an artificial sweetener chemically similar to aspartame, just 13,000 times sweeter. Source: Merocla Artificial Sweeteners
Commercial Names of Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame: Equal, NutraSweet
Saccharin: SugarTwin, Sweet’N Low
Sucralose: Splenda
Acesulfame potassium: Aceslulfame-K, Sunett, Sweet One
Neotame: E number E961
Best Artificial Sweeteners
There is a lot of misinformation out there about artificial sweeteners that keeps us confused about whether artificial sweeteners or good or bad for us. It is still ultimately our responsibility to protect our health and strengthen our temples so we just have to be more diligent in cutting through the BS.
Our science is largely funded by big corporations that work the system to get science to support the products it makes. Realize there little to no profit to be made from promoting natural foods as healing.
Our health living is declining rapidly because of our over consumption of unnatural foods including artificial sweeteners that are perceived as foreign to the body and attack the body. Artificial sweeteners undermine our health living and keeps lining the pockets of industry to find ways to illnesses caused by industry.
A well balanced whole food plant based diet, or a diet the consists mostly of plant based whole foods heals.
Harvard: …sugar-free, but at what cost?