Arthritis Relief
Arthritis Relief

Since I had an operation to clean up the meniscus in my knee I have a great concern about arthritis relief and even making sure I stop arthritis from rearing its ugly head. Since I had the operation I am at risk for developing arthritis.
I adopted a plant based diet after I had the operation and it turns out it may be the best thing to combat arthritis.
Arthritis means joint inflammation, and is inflammation of the joints of where two bones meet. The term is actually used to describe a variety of disorders, and there are over one hundred different types of arthritis.
My concern would be osteoarthritis arthritis, which is the degenerative joint disease caused by accumulated wear and tear of the joint. This wear and tear causes a breakdown of the cartilage which causes the bones of a joint to rub against each other. As osteoarthritis progresses inflammation can occur in the joint.
The main goals of arthritis treatment include the reduction of this inflammation and improved function of affected joints. The food we eat contributes to the development of too much inflammation and arthritis, so we must remove or reduce these foods from our diets.
The best way to be proactive about not developing arthritis and treating arthritis it to adopt a plant based diet. You can also reduce the amount of animal protein and processed foods you eat, while increasing the amount of plant based life you eat.
Food That Causes Arthritis And Inflammation
Eating factory farmed meat encourages the development disease and inflammation in the body because these animals are raised in stressful conditions which lead to the development of disease in the animals.
These animals are then treated with antibiotics to treat the diseases and the diseases become resistant to the antibiotics over time. These animals are also given growth hormones to make them grow faster and bigger, and we end up eating the meat that contains these hormones and antibiotic resistant diseases that trigger inflammatory responses in our bodies.
Consumption of high protein and high fat diets have been linked to higher rates of rheumatoid arthritis. Processed meat and foods lack fiber and contain high amounts of fat, processed sugar, additives, and preservatives. This combination contributes to high cholesterol levels, raises the acidity level, and introduces foreign substances which again triggers inflammatory responses and arthritis in the body.
Studies have shown that removing animal protein and fats from the diet have eliminated or greatly reduced the swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthritis Relief: A Plant Based Diet
A whole food plant based diet will remove the fat laden meat, diseases, hormones, and chemicals that trigger inflammatory responses and arthritis.
In addition to removing these illness inducing substances, plant life is abundant in antioxidants and phytochemicals that reduce inflammation, support the autoimmune system, and fight arthritis.
I am highly active and suffer no muscle or joint pain, not even in my surgically repaired knee which is susceptible to arthritis and I have to give credit to my plant based diet. This is all thanks to my plant based diet. A plant based diet has been more than just an arthritis relief for me, it also supports my high energy level and healthy living.
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