The Antioxidant Power Of Barberries Puts Acne On The Run

Antioxidants are important in protecting health because they protect against free radical damage that speeds up the aging of cells.
Certain vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients have antioxidant power to various degrees, and this study[1] analyzed the antioxidant power of 3100 foods, herbs, spices, beverages, and supplements to see which had the greatest antioxidant punch.
Blueberries were praised for their antioxidant power until the antioxidant power barberries were tested. Barberries, which are of the Berberis species, are common to North Africa, the Middle East, central Asia, and Europe, have twenty times the antioxidant power of blueberries.
Besides the ability of Barberry’s antioxidant power in protecting cells against oxidative damage and premature aging, barberry’s phytonutrients are highly protective against acne.
Barberry’s berberine phytonutrient was found to be the active ingredient in its acne fighting power. There were numerous testimonials of acne clearing up after drinking barberry juice so researchers decided to design a clinical trial to determine it efficacy of the berry in combating acne.
50 teenagers with moderate to serious acne were given either a placebo or a teaspoon of dried barberries three times a day for 1 month.
At the end of the trail there was no change in acne for the placebo group. The barberry group had a 43% reduction in the number of pimples, and a 47% reduction in the number of inflamed pimples.
Barberry consumption was found to be safe but women who are pregnant should avoid the consumption of barberries because they stimulate uterine contractions which can lead to miscarriage.