Alka Vegan Received His Dr. Sebi Products

Alka Vegan had been anxiously awaiting some herbal products he ordered from Dr. Sebi’s office and on this day they finally arrived.
Three weeks before receiving the herbs he had already made the transition to eating a vegan diet which had a positive effect on him.
Alka Vegan’s choice to eat a plant-based diet and to exclude the consumption of meat and dairy greatly improved his energy in just a three week period.
It was very important and helpful that Alka Vegan removed the consumption of the pathogenic and toxin laden meat and dairy because that would allow the herbs he ordered to have greater efficacy within his body.
Eating a diet centered on plant foods and centered on this Dr. Sebi nutritional guide would severely limit the addition of pathogens and toxin into his body.
The vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients from the plant foods would help to restore homeostasis in his body, and would remove obstacles to the herb’s phytonutrients from being able to penetrate and clean cells and to remove severely damaged cells from his body.
On this day Alka Vegan received his Bio Ferro and Iron Plus products from Dr. Sebi. The Bio Ferro product is a blood nourisher and purifier, containing 14 different tropical plants that are high in iron phosphate and other minerals that nourish and strengthen the entire system.
The Bio Ferro’s main ingredients are yellowdock, burdock root, elderberry, cocolmeca, and sarsaparilla.
The Iron Plus is a mixture iron-rich herbs used to nourish the blood, brain and central nervous system. It is also a pro-biotic designed to fight inflammation, purify and strengthen the entire body.
Iron Plus’s main ingredients are cardo santo, contribo, hombre gandre, bugleweed, and ortiga.
Find out more about the herbs just mentioned on the Dr. Sebi Products list. The herbal products work best if consumed with a whole food plant-based diet.