Alex Ray Gives His Testimony About Taking Dr. Sebi Products

We appreciate you testimony about Dr. Sebi’s products but come on Alex Ray put on a shirt next time. Though the video itself is distracting I still found value in it because Alex did benefit from taking Dr. Sebi’s products and from adopting a whole food plant-based diet.
Alex had been researching Dr. Sebi’s products for two years before he finally took the dive and went ahead an ordered some of his herbal products.
At the time Alex released this video he it was 2-3 weeks since he switched to a vegan diet and began taking some of Dr. Sebi’s herbal products.
He experienced immediate results which included increased his bowel movements to 4-6 times a day. This showed that the diet and herbs were being used optimally and the foods he ate weren’t clogging his digestive tract, which can contribute to the development of diverticula, or pouches in his intestines that collect and putrefy waste.
He also experienced a great boost in energy which came from all of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients of the vegan food and plant herbs.
Alex used the Cell Cleanser, Iron Product, and Viento to help clean his body of the mucus that had been building in it through 26 years of his life. Harmful excess mucus develops as the result of chronic inflammation which is triggered by the constant consumption pathogenic and toxin laden meat, dairy and processed foods.
Dr. Sebi has changed or renamed some of his products since this video was made. To find out more about his current products please visit this page which lists details of Dr. Sebi’s cell food products.
You can find more information on Dr. Sebi’s deeper cleansing therapeutic packages here.
Dr. Sebi sells many different products, and some of them are expensive. Alex lets us know you can start of with a few of the less expensive products if you can’t afford Dr. Sebi’s therapeutic packages.