Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Becoming A Vegan

By | May 7th, 2016 | Modified - May 7th, 2016
Becoming A Vegan
Becoming A Vegan

Becoming a vegan? There are different approaches to converting to a vegan diet and the extreme way is going “cold turkey”. This does work for some people, but for many people this is overwhelming.

The motivation for adopting a vegan diet has a lot to with a person’s ability to suddenly stop consuming meat or gradually stop consuming meat.

If your motivation is to strictly stop supporting animal cruelty you may be able to stop suddenly, but if your motivation is to lose weight or to eat healthier it may be more difficult to suddenly stop consuming meat.

People who become a vegan to stop supporting animal cruelty may not be concerned with consuming the healthiest vegan foods.

This may help them more easily switch to a vegan diet because they will be presented with more variety of vegan foods. Many of these foods are unhealthy, like greasy french fries, which wouldn’t be the most suitable vegan foods for people converting to a vegan diet for health reasons.

People who are adopting a vegan diet to lose weight or for health reasons might take longer to completely switch to a vegan diet, and converting in stages may be a good alternative.

This is okay because the overall idea is to get more plant food into your body while you reduce the meat, dairy, and processed foods you eat.

Processed vegan foods aren’t recommended because they often contain large amounts of additive sugar and fat, and also chemicals which contribute to the development of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

If you are converting to a vegan diet for health reasons you would want to avoid consuming processed foods and will want focus on consuming whole plant foods.

Whether you are adopting a vegan diet cold turkey or are doing so gradually the first thing do if have an idea of what vegan foods are the better foods to eat when becoming a vegan.

This will help you to stay on the path by keeping you healthy. Not all vegan foods are equal. Non-hybrid alkaline whole plant foods will support the organs of the body and the immune system, which will encourage you to continue your journey.

Eating a lot of vegan junk foods and processed foods like pastries and candy will help to fill your stomach but will deprive you of nutrients and will saturate your body with toxins.

Keep a list of foods you can eat and stock up on them

Becoming A Vegan Food ListYou can find a list of health supporting alkaline plants foods that support the immune system and the reversal of disease on this nutritional guide.

A whole food plant-based diet has been shown in numerous studies[1] to protect against chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The alkaline foods on the nutritional guide offer the best protection because they have chemical affinity with the body and are naturally recognized and assimilated by the body.

Keeping your kitchen stocked only with vegan foods will also help you to focus on eating a vegan diet. If you have nothing else to eat you will be giving yourself no other option than to eat these healthy foods.

Focusing on eating mostly fruits and vegetables will lead to saturating your body with quick burning and accessible energy form natural carbohydrates to support active muscle function, vitamins and minerals to support metabolic processes of the organs, and phytonutrients to help bolster the immune system.

It is also good to have a few vegan recipes on hand to give you a variety of dishes to choose from. Many vegan recipes are easy and quick to prepare.

You can find recipes made from the best vegan foods in the recipe section of The God-Awakening Diet book.

Choosing your path to transitioning to becoming a vegan

Once you have decided you want to adopt a vegan diet and know what the better foods are to eat then your journey begins. Some people will make the immediate transition, while this may be harder for some people for various reasons.

When I made my transition to a vegan diet I had already removed pork, beef, and poultry from my diet. I was a pescatarian before adopting a vegan diet and I only ate fish and a little bit of dairy.

I really had no intentions of becoming a vegan because I didn’t think doing so would improve my health anymore than removing pork, beef, and poultry did. I was so wrong about that.

But since I had already removed the other foods from my diet I had already conquered my addiction to them. I think this made it easier for me because I only had to remove fish, dairy, and also processed foods from my diet.

Some people do go directly from eating a wide variety of animal-based foods to becoming a vegan. This is great because they go right from eating toxic foods to eating heal supporting vegan foods.

Some people find this too difficult to do but successfully transition to a vegan diet anymore, but just over aa longer period of time. You could start by adding one meatless day to the week, like meatless Mondays, and then add other days to the week until all of your days are meatless.

You can start by making one meal of the day a vegan meal, like breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or alternate the meal will become the vegan meal for the day throughout the week.

You can start by swapping an animal-based product like cow’s milk for coconut milk, walnut milk, hemp milk, or almond milk.

Be patient with yourself during the transition

There is no failing in this journey! If you don’t live up to the goals you set for a day, don’t ever forget that this is a journey and a journey is not made in one day.

Get right back on the train and motor along. There will always be ups and downs during a journey, and this is just a reality. Take a rest when and if necessary and then resume your climb to the mountain top!

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.