Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Turmeric Curcumin In Treating Prediabetes And Diabetes

By | January 15th, 2016 | Modified - January 15th, 2016
Turmeric Curcumin In Treating PreDiabetes
Turmeric Curcumin In Treating PreDiabetes

I am an avid supporter of the methodology the herbalist Dr. Sebi uses in reversing disease. Part of the methodology is to stay away from hybrid foods for the best chance of reversing chronic disease.

Dr. Sebi doesn’t find any nutritional value in any hybrid foods and in most cases I have learned that it is best to avoid them. I do find value in the use of turmeric though and numerous studies have shown the turmeric does have many healing properties.

I do limit my use of turmeric consumption, but I have found that if I stress my joints through strenuous activity turmeric curcumin does control the inflammation.

Dr. Greger provides a study where curcumin, the concentrated pigment found in turmeric, was administered to a group of patients who had prediabetes and the control group was given a placebo instead.

16% of the placebo group developed developed full blown diabetes, while no one who received curcumin supplements developed diabetes.

The participants in the curcumin group saw significant improvements in fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance, beta cell function, and insulin sensitivity.

The study administered a lot of turmeric every a day, 1/4 cup of turmeric a day. The same benefits were found treating full blown diabetes also using only a fraction of the turmeric, just a teaspoon of turmeric a day.

It is important to note turmeric bioavailability into the bloodstream is increased when it is consumed with an oil like coconut oil.

Curcumin is the concentrated compound extracted from turmeric and is much more powerful than just regular turmeric. It is always better to consume plant components in the ratio they exist in nature.

For short-term medicinal purposes the use of natural concentrated components can be helpful in reversing or addressing chronic disease. The short-term use of curcumin would fall into the category.

Consuming a teaspoon of curcumin, with enough unrefined coconut oil to dissolve it, can be used daily short-term to address chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes.

Dr. Greger on Youtube

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.