Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

102 Minerals In Dr. Sebi’s African Bio Mineral Balance

By | November 5th, 2016 | Modified - November 5th, 2016
102 Minerals In Dr. Sebi's African Bio Mineral Balance

102 Minerals In Dr. Sebi’s African Bio Mineral Balance

What Are Minerals?

We should have a good understanding of what minerals are because they are part of the foundation of Dr. Sebi’s African Bio Mineral Balance. The methodology revolves around the 102 minerals Dr. Sebi says the body is made up of and that they need to be replenished through consuming alkaline plant food. There is difficulty in knowing what the 102 minerals are because Dr. Sebi didn’t explicitly state what they were so we have to deduce what they are.

I will first start with complied definitions of what minerals are. First understand that the term “mineral” is an agreed upon concept, which is not totally agreed upon. Generally for something to be concerned a mineral is needs to meet certain criteria including:

A mineral must be a naturally occurring “element” or “chemical compound” formed by geological processes (formation of the earth) and not by biological processes (sea shells). Understanding this concept is important in understanding what Dr. Sebi meant by the term “mineral.” There are over 5000 known naturally occurring compound minerals.

Since there are so many naturally occurring “compound minerals” and Dr. Sebi speaks of 102 minerals making up the body then it would appear he was referring to the elements and not the compounds. Elements are the individual parts of a compound. Iron, phosphorous, and oxygen are individual elements that make up iron phosphate.

An agreed upon criteria for something to be a mineral is it needs to be a solid at room temperature. This is where things can become a little tricky using the term “mineral.” Elements like oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are gases at room temperature and are elements that are part of the air we breathe.

102 Minerals

It is a bit tricky trying isolate which 102 minerals Dr. Sebi referred to because it appears he used the concepts of “elements,” “minerals,” and “compounds minerals” interchangeably. It does appear when he specially spoke about the 102 minerals the body is made of he was referring to elements or single minerals.

An element is an atom made up of a certain number of protons. Every time a proton is added to a atom a new element is formed. For example, hydrogen has 1 proton, carbon has 6 protons, nitrogen has 7 protons, and oxygen has 8 protons.

To support the idea that Dr. Sebi referred to single element when he spoke about 102 minerals I look at the nutrient breakdown of food. Mineral breakdowns are provided for many foods and the mineral content always consists of elements like magnesium, phosphorous, copper, iron, calcium, etc.

There are currently 118 elements listed on the periodic table, but not all of them are naturally occurring and those are made in a lab. Only elements 1-92 are naturally occurring elements except for 43 – Technetium (Tc) and 61 – Promethium (Pm). 43 and 61 have a short half life which are why that aren’t found naturally on earth. 43 has been detected in stars. All elements past 92 -uranium haven’t been found on earth and are made in a lab.

This information makes it difficult to identify which 102 “minerals/elements” Dr. Sebi referred to as making up the body. Either Dr. Sebi was referring to the first 102 elements on the Periodic Table, or he was referring to a combination of elements/single minerals and compound minerals.

    Periodic Table
    Elements/Single Minerals:

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Lithium
  4. Beryllium
  5. Boron
  6. Carbon
  7. Nitrogen
  8. Oxygen
  9. Fluorine
  10. Neon
  11. Sodium
  12. Magnesium
  13. Aluminum
  14. Silicon
  15. Phosphorus
  16. Sulfur
  17. Chlorine
  18. Argon
  19. Potassium
  20. Calcium
  21. Scandium
  22. Titanium
  23. Vanadium
  24. Chromium
  25. Manganese
  26. Iron
  27. Cobalt
  28. Nickel
  29. Copper
  30. Zinc
  31. Gallium
  32. Germanium
  33. Arsenic
  34. Selenium
  35. Bromine
  36. Krypton
  37. Rubidium
  38. Strontium
  39. Yttrium
  40. Zirconium
  41. Niobium
  42. Molybdenum
  43. Technetium
  44. Ruthenium
  45. Rhodium
  46. Palladium
  47. Silver
  48. Cadmium
  49. Indium
  50. Tin
  51. Antimony
  52. Tellurium
  53. Iodine
  54. Xenon
  55. Cesium
  56. Barium
  57. Lanthanum
  58. Cerium
  59. Praseodymium
  60. Neodymium
  61. Promethium
  62. Samarium
  63. Europium
  64. Gadolinium
  65. Terbium
  66. Dysprosium
  67. Holmium
  68. Erbium
  69. Thulium
  70. Ytterbium
  71. Lutetium
  72. Hafnium
  73. Tantalum
  74. Tungsten
  75. Rhenium
  76. Osmium
  77. Iridium
  78. Platinum
  79. Gold
  80. Mercury
  81. Thallium
  82. Lead
  83. Bismuth
  84. Polonium
  85. Astatine
  86. Radon
  87. Francium
  88. Radium
  89. Actinium
  90. Thorium
  91. Protactinium
  92. Uranium
  93. Made In A Lab
  94. Neptunium
  95. Plutonium
  96. Americium
  97. Curium
  98. Berkelium
  99. Californium
  100. Einsteinium
  101. Fermium
  102. Mendelevium
  103. Nobelium
  104. Beyond 102
  105. Lawrencium
  106. Rutherfordium
  107. Dubnium
  108. Seaborgium
  109. Bohrium
  110. Hassium
  111. Meitnerium
  112. Darmstadtium
  113. Roentgenium
  114. Ununbium
  115. Ununtrium
  116. Ununquadium
  117. Ununpentium
  118. Ununhexium
  119. Ununseptium
  120. Ununoctium
    Reference List[1] of
    Elements Recorded In Body

  1. Oxygen 65%
  2. Carbon 18%
  3. Hydrogen 10%
  4. Nitrogen 3%
  5. Calcium 1.5%
  6. Phosphorus 1%
  7. Potassium 0.35%
  8. Sulfur 0.25%
  9. Sodium 0.15%
  10. Chlorine 0.15%
  11. Magnesium 0.05%
  12. Iron
  13. Fluorine
  14. Zinc
  15. Silicon
  16. Rubidium
  17. Strontium
  18. Bromine
  19. Lead
  20. Copper
  21. Aluminum
  22. Cadmium
  23. Cerium
  24. Barium
  25. Iodine
  26. Tin
  27. Titanium
  28. Boron
  29. Nickel
  30. Selenium
  31. Chromium
  32. Manganese
  33. Arsenic
  34. Lithium
  35. Cesium
  36. Mercury
  37. Germanium
  38. Molybdenum
  39. Cobalt
  40. Antimony
  41. Silver
  42. Niobium
  43. Zirconium
  44. Lanthanium
  45. gallium
  46. Tellurium
  47. Yttrium
  48. Bismuth
  49. Thallium
  50. Indium
  51. Gold
  52. Scandium
  53. Tantalum
  54. Vanadium
  55. Thorium
  56. Uranium
  57. Samarium
  58. Beryllium
  59. Tungsten
    Common List
    Elements/Minerals In Body

  1. Oxygen 65%
  2. Carbon 18%
  3. Hydrogen 10%
  4. Nitrogen 3%
  5. Calcium 1.5%
  6. Phosphorus 1%
  7. Potassium 0.35%
  8. Sulfur 0.25%
  9. Sodium 0.15%
  10. Chlorine 0.15%
  11. Magnesium 0.05%
  12. Iron
  13. Fluorine
  14. Zinc
  15. Copper
  16. Iodine
  17. Selenium
  18. Chromium
  19. Manganese
  20. Molybdenum
  21. Silicon
  22. Strontium
  23. Bromine
  24. Aluminum
  25. Lead
  26. Cobalt
  27. Vanadium
  28. Arsenic
Learn more health supporting alkaline foods on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide »
[1] Emsley, John, The Elements, 3rd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998
[2] H. A. Harper, V. W. Rodwell, P. A. Mayes, Review of Physiological Chemistry, 16th ed., Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California 1977.

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About Author:

Aqiyl Aniys is the author of the book Alkaline Herbal Medicine, the Alkaline Plant Based Diet book, and the children's book, Faith and Justice eat an Alkaline Plant Based Diet." He received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from Cornell University, a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and studied social work. He enjoys boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging, and his alkaline plant-based diet supports all that he does. Learn more about transitioning to avegan diet using the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.