My Visit To Mandela House In Soweto South Africa – Video And Photos

My Visit To Mandela House In Soweto South Africa
I wasn’t ready for this one. After all these were just things I was viewing. It got to me though. Starting from the timeline of Nelson Mandela’s life that etched the walls outside the house.
Reading through the timeline of major events that shaped Nelson Mandela’s life I started to feel the shadows of my own struggles and then imagined them multiplied by a hundred. I thought about the struggle his family endured and the struggle of all the Africans in South Africa who suffered under apartheid.
Mandela House Wall Timeline
Inside the house, the house was filled with pictures and awards that captured the struggle of the Africans in South Africa, and the struggle Nelson, Winnie Mandela, and their family had to endure in the face of apartheid. The pictures and awards not only captured their struggle but also their perseverance. I am feeling heavy heart-ed writing this description because I am recalling my later visit to Robben Island where Mandela was imprisoned, and the struggle he and the other freedom fighters had to endure.