Tough Mudder Gear Preparation

Tough Mudder Gear
Tough Mudder gear, check! Tomorrow is the big day, and I should get enough exercise in to last me for a week. 🙂 It will be team “Super Mud Crushers” going up against the Tough Mudder! My team consists of my fellow gym members and we are ready to tackle the Tough Mudder!
I hear the Tough Mudder will be thirteen miles long with twenty-five obstacles that include running through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity. We will have to work together to get over 12 foot walls and through underground mud tunnels.
All of this wouldn’t be so bad if the weather was going to be better. As of now it is going to be cloudy and a bit cold, and I don’t like cold weather! So I am not playing around and I am making sure I have the proper Tough Mudder gear to make this run bearable.
My Tough Mudder gear is all wicking gear which will come in real handy. Wicking gear pulls sweat and moisture off the skin to help keep the body dry and warm. I am thankful for wicking gear!
Tough Mudder Cold Weather Gear
I don’t mean to sound like a walking commercial but most of my gear is Under Armour Tough Mudder gear.
1. Essential Tough Mudder gear: “Under Armour Infrared ColdGear” wicking pullover shirt. A soft, thermo-conductive coating on the inner layer of the shirt absorbs and retains your own body heat, so you stay warmer, longer. I will be putting this to the test, and hopefully I will warm up quickly after jumping into the ice pool.
2. “Under Armour ColdGear” wicking pants. They don’t have the “Infrared thermo-conductive coating of the shirt, which I hope I don’t regret. Though the pants don’t have to coating, I am not crazy enough to not have these pants as part of my Tough Mudder gear.
3. Wicking skully. I have to keep my head warm or its a wrap.
4. Go Pro camera. It is not an essential item to keep warm, but it is essential to capture the funny moments on video. Would you like to see me jump into the ice water pool? I am not looking forward to it, but I am glad I have my Tough Mudder gear to make it a bit more bearable.
5. Hehe, even my “Under Armour” underwear are made out of wicking material.
6. Quick drying “Columbia” shorts. It has zip up pockets so I can carry a few things like spare batteries for the camera. (Essential piece of Tough Mudder gear)
7. “Under Armour” wicking socks. Thinking about it now, I wonder if this is the most important piece of my Tough Mudder gear. The nerves in the feet connect to the whole body and cold wet feet can make for a long day.
8. Light weight sneakers with ridges in the soles to provide traction.
9. Warm wicking gloves.
One good thing is I will get a lot of use out of my Tough Mudder gear because it also serves as my cold weather cycling gear. Now I just to wait until Tough Mudder day arrives. I will let you know how things turn out.
Always remember, a plant based diet and exercise support healthy living.
Tags: tough mudder, tough mudder gear