Tough Mudder Completed But Disappointed – Video
Tough Mudder Completed But Disappointed

Tough Mudder completed, check, but I am still a little disappointed. I have learned from my mistake and I intend to do better next time.
My mistake was that I overdid my running on the previous Monday before the Tough Mudder, and I injured the tendon on the back of my leg behind my right knee. At least I think it is the tendon.
I didn’t realize it was injured until I woke up on the next day on Tuesday and it was tight and sore. I stretched and ran on Wednesday but the most I could muster up was fifteen minutes compared to the hour I ran on Monday.
My mistake was that I put in the hour of running on Monday and I hadn’t run in for a long time. I just wanted to get my body prepared for the running so I went for it, and come to find out the running wasn’t even necessary. My cardio and endurance is excellent and that was all I needed.
Anyway, since I was hurting I didn’t exercise from Thursday to Sunday except for sit-ups to give my leg a rest. I thought that would be enough for my leg to recuperate but it wasn’t.
I didn’t tell my teammates I was injured at first because I wasn’t sure if I could just work it out and my leg would stop hurting, but my leg hurt from the beginning of the Tough Mudder until the end of it. My leg is still a bit sore now but it is getting better quickly due to the recuperative powers of my plant based diet and some ice.
Anyway, I toughed it out and made it through the Tough Mudder but just not the way I wanted to. Throughout the Tough Mudder my leg felt like it wanted to give out ,and at one point it did and I collapsed. I got back up and continued on.
I had to power walk a lot of the Tough Mudder because the tendon couldn’t take the pounding of running, but I was able to power walk with minimal pain to the leg. Power walking is what allowed me to finish the Tough Mudder.
You should have seen the little mad power walker walking, LOL! I was able to get up enough speed to keep up with and even pass a lot of the runners. As I said before the Tough Mudder is more a determination and endurance than speed.
If you don’t know me I must get the most out of myself. There were times when I did start running again and I was able to run for short periods of time but my leg wouldn’t allow me to sustain long periods of running and I would have to revert to power walking.
My leg got so bad around half way through the Tough Mudder and I started to fall back from my group. Marcelo was slowing up to stay with me and I felt so bad because I was holding him up and my group. At a point I hadn’t to forcefully insist that he go catch up with the group because I felt so bad that I was holding him up. He reluctantly gave into my wishes, and I am glad he did.
I then willed myself through the rest of the race, with my leg wanting to give out in certain areas. The up and down of the hills were murder and I was disappointed because they would have been very easy if I was one hundred percent.
Anyway, I made it through and got my Tough Mudder headband and shirt, yippee. It is a good thing I took off from work today which gives me the opportunity to ice and stretch my leg. Other than my leg, I feel great.
My plant based diet does wonders in supporting my healthy living. I have no body soreness aside from my injured leg. I am sure my injured leg would be worse off if it wasn’t for my plant based diet.
Here is some video of the Tough Mudder to watch because it is too much to explain in writing. You will see why they call it the Tough Mudder. I was able to get more footage during the beginning of the Tough Mudder that the end because it was very difficult to keep the lens clean and at a point in the Togh Mudder I just needed to focus on my leg and finishing the Tough Mudder than focusing on the camera.
I have to say I had to make the decision to skip the ice bath. I am strong willed but my momma ain’t raise no fool, LOL! I struggled so much to get through the race the ice bath may have finished me. My teammates told me the ice bath felt like death. I plan on running the Tough Mudder again but this time at a hundred percent, and I still think I will skip the ice bath. The ice bath should be illegal, LOL!
Tags: tough mudder completed