Magnesium levels effect every organ in the body. Magnesium is involved in heart and muscle function, immune system, teeth and bone health, energy production, blood…
Magnesium Benefits – Why Do I Need Magnesium – Minerals
Both blending and juicing have their benefits. At one time I used to juice, but as I studied the benefits that both had to offer, I felt that blending just offered more…
Should I Blend or Should I Juice?
Yes I couldn’t get enough soursop juice while staying at Catcha Falling Star hotel in Negril, Jamaica. There is nothing sour about this fruit, and it is quite sweet. Soursop juice is made from the white substance inside the fruit…
Soursop – A Very Delicious and Refreshing Drink With Anti-Cancer Properties
Jamaica Series – Ginger – I Noticed It Was Saturated With Ginger Juice While my father and I were in St. Anns, Jamaica we stayed at a friend of my father’s villa. We dropped of my mother at her sister in Portland, Jamaica and made our way around the beautiful Island of Jamaica. The […]
Jamaican Ginger – A Healthy Spice And Herb
Coconut water is a refreshing drink containing electrolytes that replace electrolytes lost during strenuous exercise. I drank some fresh coconut water…
Fresh Coconut Water Is Refreshing And Healthy – Jamaica Series
Noni juice is derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, Australasia, and the Caribbean. There are a lot of claims of the benefits of noni juice which includes its ability to fight cancer, lower cholesterol, increase energy, and to cause weight loss.