Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

“Gluten free diet” is a term that has swept many us up in a whirlwind. But is it just that, just some term and fad that has no legs and will soon be history?

I ask this question because people have been eating grains that included gluten for thousands of years, and it seems like all of a…

What Is Gluten And Should I Eat A Gluten Free Diet?

Many studies have shown that certain nuts, especially almonds and walnuts help lower total cholesterol numbers, reduce LDL numbers, and increase HDL numbers…

Eating Nuts To Lower Your Cholesterol

Sambucus Nigra, also known as elderberry, has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years Africa, America, and Asia, and to treat bronchitis, cough, upper respiratory cold infections, and fever…

Elderberry Benefits – Sambucus Nigra – Against The Flu

I am sure we have all heard about lowering cholesterol, but what is cholesterol and why is there a concern about lowering it? …

What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol Benefits

What is inflammation? I remember having a discussion that inflammation causes disease, and the person thought the idea was baloney and said that inflammation is natural part of our immune system.

She stated that this “inflammation causes disease“…

What Is Inflammation? Inflammation Causes Disease

Omega-6 fatty acids in balance with omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for healthy living. The omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA), is considered an essential fatty acid because the body can’t make it, and it has to be attained…

What is Omega-6 | Omega-6 Fatty Acid Benefits