Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Spartan Race, win your Spartan Race coupon code! Win a coupon code to participate in the Spartan Race for free! Participate in any open heat in any 2013-2014 Spartan Race in the continental US…

Spartan Race – Reebok – NBC – Win A Spartan Race Coupon Code To Race For Free!

What is essential oil? Many have heard of the term essential oil, but what exactly is it and what does it do?

An essential oil is the concentrated aroma compounds extracted from plants in the form of an oil…

What Is Essential Oil? Essential Oil Benefits

Google+ Comments – Potentially Powerful Addition To Blog Comments Google+ Comments For WordPress, Facebook, And Disqus Comments In One WordPress Plugin Google released Google+ Comments for its Blogger blogging platform and WordPress developers quickly ported it and a plugin version of Google+ Comments For WordPress. (Google Comments For WordPress has now become “Comments Evolved.”) Google+ […]

Google+ Comments For WordPress – With CommentLuv

Well we made it to the Tour de Bronx 2012, just a little late. We missed the 9:30am registration, 25 mile ride departure, and the 40 mile ride departure. I actually thought I was not going to make it the this ride because all my riding partners were dropping out of riding…

Tour de Bronx 2012