Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet

Deep frying foods, whether the foods are animal-based or plant-based, increases the risk of cancer. The consumption of deep fried foods have been linked to…

Deep Frying Foods Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Most cases of cancer are caused by external factors such as diet and not genetics. Only 2% of cancer can be attributed to to genetics, so that fact should…

Stop Feeding Your Kids Lunch Meat And Cancer

Lori Wilson is a surgical oncologist at Howard University Medical Center in Washington. She is also a breast cancer survivor and black woman. Wilson made…

Plea For Black Women Who Have Breast Cancer

Landon Riddle was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), which is the most common form of cancer that afflicts children. Even though ALL is one of…

Child Forced to Undergo Chemotherapy Though Cannabis Could Treat His Cancer

Yes we have come upon some desperate times in our healthcare. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the herpes virus to treat melanoma…

FDA Approves Herpes Virus As Cancer Treatment

Pittsburg Steelers’ running back DeAngelo Williams was fined $5,787 by the NFL for wearing a message that supported his mother’s battle with breast cancer…

NFL Player DeAngelo Williams Fined By NFL For Supporting His Mother’s Battle With Cancer