From timestamp 5:00, Dr. Sebi spoke about why we get sick and that the body was not designed to get sick. People are violating themselves because they have gone away from eating an organic non-hybrid whole food plant-based diet, or a diet that consists mostly of alkaline plant-based foods.
The choices we make in the inorganic and processed foods we eat lead us to live daily lives filled with stress that compromises our health and undermines homeostasis in the body.
The violation comes from our forgetting that nature provided herbs for the healing of the nations. We are conditioned to forget that God provided plant life and plant herbs that work to support our genetic expression, an expression that develops people in God’s image.
The image is one of health and strength, compassion, and unity with life around us. Dr. Sebi stated that the genetically modified and chemically laden food we have been trained to eat has turned us against God and the natural patterns established in the earth.
Eating foods on the Dr Sebi food list and using herbs on Dr. Sebi products list will help to return us to the God consciousness.
Tags: dr sebi, dr sebi products