Aqiyl Aniys | Posted February 12th, 2015 | Modified - February 12th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Excessive fat in fat cells leaks out of the fat cells and into the bloodstream. These free fatty acids that are not packaged into triglycerides triggers…
Bloated Fat Cells Leak Fat Into The Bloodstream Causing Risk Of Diabetes
Many people often overlook the value of diet and lifestyle changes in supporting healthy living, because we live in societies where the power of…
Do Cardiac Prescription Drugs Work Or Do They Just Keep You Hooked In The Money Pipeline?
Natural Life Energy’s goal is to bring awareness to the benefits of a plant-based diet, exercise, and respect for life. NLE welcomes and needs your support to expand and manage the website, create seminars, and to make documentaries. Though this message is a message for everyone, NLE puts special attention on getting this information out […]
Natural Life Energy is committed to providing transparency to our readers and community regarding advertisements on the website. Advertisement spots will be labeled as clearly as possible to distinguish advertisement from the post content. Why is there advertising? The use of advertisements is necessary to cover costs of website maintenance, increasing web presence, and with […]
Our Advertising Commitment
Excessive fat in the bloodstream builds up in muscles and creates toxic fatty byproducts and free radicals that blocks the insulin signaling process…
Excess Fat In Muscles Causes Diabetes 2 – Yes Fat!
Many think that developing hypertension is just an inevitable part of growing old, but this is not true. The prevalence of hypertension does increase with…Many think that developing hypertension is just an inevitable part of growing old, but this is not true. The prevalence of hypertension does increase with…