Aqiyl Aniys | Posted August 16th, 2018 | Modified - September 11th, 2024

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Dr. Sebi spoke about quinoa, teff, and fonio. He also spoke about natural leafy greens like lambs quarters and dandelion….
Dr. Sebi Put Together The Nutritional Guide From Natural Plants And Least Detrimental Plants
Dr. Sebi speaks about acid food being below 7 on the pH scale, and alkaline food being above 7 on the pH scale. Alkaline food being electric food…
Dr. Sebi Speaks About Acid Alkaline And Electric Food
Dr. Sebi indicated in the video that the heart moves by electricity, and without this electricity we wouldn’t be able to move. So the food we eat should…
Dr. Sebi Speaks About The Body Being Electrical
Dr. Sebi explained that Mushrooms are part of the mycelium network and they are very beneficial. He stated that fungus is something that eats away at you…
Dr. Sebi On Mushrooms Being Good To Eat
In 2014 Dr. Sebi had to restart his business under the name Dr. Sebi’s Cellfood, after members of his staff and some members of his family stole his previous business from him.
Dr. Sebi’s Partner Pablo Medina Spoke About The Dr. Sebi Cellfoods Product Not Being Compromised
Alfredo Cortez, a Mexican Herbalist, cured Alfredo Bowman of various illnesses which set Alfredo Bowman on his path to become Dr. Sebi…