Aqiyl Aniys | Posted September 1st, 2015 | Modified - September 1st, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
On August 28, 2015 The Food And Drug Administration released a communication warning that certain type 2 diabetes medications may cause severe and disabling…
FDA Warns Diabetes Drugs May Cause Severe Joint Pain and Disability
Oliver Sacks has died at the age of 82 from a rare eye cancer that spread to his liver. He made an announcement in February that he will terminally ill…
Oliver Sacks Author Of ‘Awakenings’ Dies From Cancer
Wes Craven’s battle with brain cancer ended on Sunday, August 30, 2015, when he passed away. Craven was one of the greatest and most influential writer…
Wes Craven Dies At The Age Of 76 From Brain Cancer
Mary Gooze is a cancer survivor and a woman on a mission to raise money metastatic breast cancer research. Gooze’s breast cancer has metastasized to her…
Mary Gooze Swims Brown’s Lake To Raise Money For Metastatic Breast Cancer Research
On Friday August 8, 2015, current LSU offensive coordinator and former Miami Dolphins coach Cam Cameron told the media that he has been treated successfully…
Cam Cameron Ex-Miami Dolphins Coach Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer
The Ride to Conquer Cancer presented by Silver Wheaton announced 2,087 participated in the 200km or 124 mile ride from Cloverdale British Columbia to Seattle….