Aqiyl Aniys | Posted October 15th, 2015 | Modified - October 15th, 2015

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
A plant-based diet keeps proving itself to be supportive of health because of their little compounds called phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are plant’s…
Eat Watermelon Before Strenuous Exercise To Minimize Muscle Soreness
U.S. health organizations will recommend cholesterol levels be below 200 mg/dL and fat consumption be less than 30% of the diet because they feel people eat…
Health Organizations Leading People To Death By Recommending Cholesterol Levels That Are Too High
A study published in Nature Communications revealed how synthetic nano-diamonds may used in the fight against cancer. Nano-diamonds may not only be a girl’s…
Nano-Diamonds Use In The Fight Against Cancer
The third annual 3-2-1 ride to raise awareness and funds to battle melanoma and pancreatic cancer took place on Sunday, October 11, 2015. More than 450 cyclist…
Hundreds Participated In The 3-2-1 Ride To End Melanoma And Pancreatic Cancer
What is as important as a whole food plant-based diet in protecting health and combating chronic disease? Making sure you are properly hydrated is as important…
Treating Dry Eyes With Adequate Water Consumption And A Plant Based Diet
A study published in JAMA on October 8, 2015 uncovered why elephants are very resistant to cancer, which may help in the fight against cancer in humans…