Aqiyl Aniys | Posted December 3rd, 2016 | Modified - December 3rd, 2016

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
I bought my laptop, phone, and electric clippers and I needed to power them. Africa uses different connections than used in the United States…
Power Adapters For Your U.S. Visit To Africa
God willing, I will spent 3 weeks from December 1-22 in different areas of Africa and document my stay as I go. Currently I am scheduled to visit Namibia…
Africa Visit 2016 – Flying to Namibia 12/1-2/2016
People constantly tell us that sugar is the problem causing diabetes. The consumption of additive and synthetic sugar is definitely a major issue…
Animal Saturated Fat Shuts Down The Pancreas And Leads To Diabetes
The body was designed to benefit from consuming natural alkaline plant foods and their minerals/elements and their specific mineral/element…
Beautiful Dance Between The Body And Plant Synergy
The number one cause of death and disability in the United States is bad nutrition.[1] Smoking cigarettes has had and still has a…
Bad Nutrition Now Kills More People Than Cigarettes
Bisphenol A (BPA) was developed in the 1890s as a synthetic estrogen. What genius thought is was okay to use it in plastic items used…