Aqiyl Aniys | Posted February 2nd, 2017 | Modified - October 7th, 2024

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Dr. Sebi’s passed his legacy to his daughter Saama Bowman who is now the Director at the USHA Village. Everyone wishing to go USHA village…
Usha Village
In the video I show how to make baked burro banana slices. Burro bananas are a recommended food on the Dr. Sebi nutritional guide and are an excellent…
Baked Burro Banana Slices – Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline Foods
The key to easily cutting a kabocha squash is to start an incision down the center of the kabocha squash with a big, strong, sharp knife. You might want to…
Easily Cut A Kabocha Squash – Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline Foods
The green and the yellow versions of the same banana are the same and only differ in their stages of ripeness. The Green burro banana is the yellow burro…
How to Use the Green and Yellow Burro Banana? Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline Foods
I promote and support Dr. Sebi’s methodology because the New York Supreme Court supported Dr. Sebi’s methodology…
I Promote Dr. Sebi’s Methodology Because It Works – New York Supreme Court Says So
I have gotten a lot of questions about how to fast using Dr. Sebi’s methodology and how long we should fast…