Aqiyl Aniys | Posted June 18th, 2012 | Modified - June 18th, 2012

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
Signup to Keep Informed NLE Newsletter Signup Sign-up for the Natural Life Energy newsletter to learn about foods and herbs that will alkalize, revitalize, and strengthen your body and mind. Research shows that an acidic body supports the development is disease in the body. Acidic foods promotes acidity in the body and high levels of […]
Subscribe To The Natural Life Energy Newsletter
Privacy Policy We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to […]
Privacy Policy
The Perception of the Malnourished Vegan? Aqiyl the vegan working out I am writing the article to do my part in dispelling the myth the vegans are weak and malnourished because of our diets. My energy and my stamina have benefited so much from my vegan diet. I labor much less doing the same workout […]
Vegan Boxer Working Out
I recently received my blood test results and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that pH results were also included. I was able to get the results from last years test and was able to compare the pH levels to this year's results.
First of all, blood test pH…
My Blood Test pH – 6/2012
Many people don’t know about chlorella and when they run into the term many wonder, “What is Chlorella?” Chlorella is a micro-algae and a…
Chlorella Benefits
When we detoxify and purify the blood we remove toxins, fungus, bacteria, and viruses from the bloodstream which supports healthy living. We accomplish this by cleaning and strengthening the liver to helps it efficiently do its job of screening the blood for fungus, bacteria, viruses, and toxins…