Aqiyl Aniys | Posted January 3rd, 2013 | Modified - January 3rd, 2013

Posts by Aqiyl Aniys
This Bam Bam Vegan Recipe, green vegetable juice recipe will super energize you and clean of your body at the same time. Bam Bam! will be…
Bam Bam Power Vegetable Drink – Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline Foods
What is inflammation? I remember having a discussion that inflammation causes disease, and the person thought the idea was baloney and said that inflammation is natural part of our immune system.
She stated that this “inflammation causes disease“…
What Is Inflammation? Inflammation Causes Disease
When we speak about foods that cause inflammation we are really talking about foods or the over eating of foods that cause chronic…
Foods That Cause Inflammation
Magnesium levels effect every organ in the body. Magnesium is involved in heart and muscle function, immune system, teeth and bone health, energy production, blood…
Magnesium Benefits – Why Do I Need Magnesium – Minerals
Both blending and juicing have their benefits. At one time I used to juice, but as I studied the benefits that both had to offer, I felt that blending just offered more…
Should I Blend or Should I Juice?
I never thought I would become a vegan. I didn’t think becoming a vegan would benefit me, and I thought it would be too hard. I also loved eating fish…